Thanks to a fantastic crew of PTO members who are graciously donating their time, Popcorn Fridays are back at HBCS! Elementary can prepay $4 by tomorrow or purchase popcorn month to month. 6th-12th graders can purchase popcorn during their lunch times at the concession stand for $.50 a bag. We are so excited that our PTO can bring this back for our students-THANK YOU PTO!
On Thursday, September 26, HB will have an early release at noon so that any staff and students may head north for Mr. Tamlyn's funeral. Tech Center still has regular classes, and our Tech Center transportation will still go and return as normal. Any TC students who will be leaving for the funeral should have their parents excuse their TC absence. Students who rely on yellow school buses for transportation should not attend TC in order to ride the yellow school bus home at noon unless they are able to make other arrangements to be picked up at HB at 2:45.
The home JV/Varsity volleyball game against Capac scheduled for Thursday, September 26 has been moved up a day to Wednesday, September 25 at 6 PM.
Harbor Beach Community Schools will be dismissing early on Thursday, September 26th at noon due to the funeral of a former staff member and the lack of substitute educators to help cover our school and students' instruction and needs. After-school activities, such as athletics, will go on as they were scheduled.
It's time to start planning those outfits for Homecoming Week's dress-up days next week, September 30-October 4! We can't wait to see what you come up with to show your school spirit each day!
It was another busy weekend for our Pirate athletes! Congratulations to the boy's cross-country team on their first-place finish along with Brody Karg who also finished first individually! All of the cross-country runners either set personal or season records!
Congratulations to our 2024 Homecoming Court! Homecoming is October 4th with the queen's crowning at halftime of the football game.
Here is what is going on this full week of September at HBCS!
Still need a copy of last year's yearbook? You're in luck! Extras will be sold during lunch next week; $30 each!
Both JV Football and Volleyball brought home wins last night!
Homecoming is right around the corner. All high school students are invited to this year's dance!
Harbor Beach Community Schools is collecting input from the community. This survey will assist our District in determining the needs and wants of our facilities as we move forward with gathering feedback and input for the proposed November 2025 bond. Please access the survey at:
Hey youth hunters! Did you have a successful hunt last weekend? We would love to feature you! Send your pictures to
Middle school football opened their season with a WIN over Ubly and 8th grade volleyball collected another W last night as well!
Mark your calendars for this upcoming flu clinic held by the Huron County Health Department in our high school.
Congrats to the JV volleyball team on their victory over Sandusky last night!
It's almost time for the 2nd Annual Homecoming Annual Alumni Band!
For more details, click here
To register, click here
Bring those smiles for today is Picture Day! We can't wait to see those same smiling faces walking down our halls.
Both middle school volleyball teams were victorious in Sandusky last night!
There is still plenty of time to do some canning this fall! Check out this chance to snag some tomatoes and support our FFA at the same time.