Tomorrow is the PSAT for all students in grades 8-11. Junior Tech Center students will still attend TC at their normal time. Seniors only report for their TC programs - no regular classes at HB for seniors.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Order online or in the office. - select school portraits, find our school, and follow the instructions.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Picture retakes tomorrow. Students should return their envelope as their reorder. If needed, write a note or instructions on the outside. People absent on picture day will just go for pictures and state their name.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Don't forget that Parent-Teacher Conferences are tonight (10/18) from 3:30PM to 7:30PM and tomorrow (10/19) from 3:30PM to 7:30PM. Elementary is by appointment; MS/HS conferences are in the HS Media Center.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
We're thrilled to announce that Corteva is generously donating Port Huron Prowler Hockey Tickets to Harbor Beach Schools once again this year! Thank you, Corteva, for your ongoing support in providing this amazing experience for our students.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
HS/MS Principal, Kevin Soper from Corteva, PreK-5 Principal, Matt Quintano accepting Port Huron Prowler Tickets to give to students throughout the year.
Next week's JV football game @ Beal City will begin an hour earlier than usual (5:30).
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
🌟📚 Hats off to our incredible Harbor Beach Elementary Students of the Month for September, especially our fantastic 5th graders who demonstrated outstanding positive behavior all month long! 🎉 Their hard work and exemplary conduct earned them the unforgettable opportunity to pie Elementary Principal Mr. Quintano in the face! 😂🥧 We're so proud of these role models and can't wait to see more great things from them in the future! 🏫👏
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Principal Quintano getting pied in the face by a 5th grade student for the class having positive behavior for the month of September.
Principal Quintano getting pied in the face by Mrs. Pleiness, 5th grade teacher, for the class having positive behavior for the month of September.
School Resource Office: Glen Cook awarded Parker Pierson with the first Citizenship Achievement Badge for  demonstrating positive behavior.
Principal Quintano getting pied in the face by a 5th grade student for the class having positive behavior for the month of September.
K5 Students of the Month!
The Huron County Health Department will be hosting a vaccine clinic for Flu Shots/required immunizations for anyone 6 months or older on October 26th from 3-4:30PM at the Student Health Center. Please bring your insurance card and driver's license.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Flu Clinic 10-26 at HBCS
Tomorrow's home JV football game against Memphis is canceled; Memphis does not have enough players to field a JV team.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Alumni Band at Homecoming for HBCS! Great Night to be a Pirate!
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Mother and son holding instruments
Small group of people warming up musical instruments
Band playing in the stands
Boys with musical Instruments
Huge thank you to Andrew Hebberd from Hebberd Insurance Agency for a generous donation to the HS/MS Board Game Club!
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
BGC Donation
Just a reminder that tomorrow is Picture Day. All students (even seniors) need to have their pictures taken because those are used for school IDs and for Skyward.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Quad N Order Options
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Pirate Yell
Just a reminder that picture day is Wednesday, September 20th, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Quad N Productions Q & A
Picture Day is next Wednesday, September 20. All students (even seniors) need to have their pictures taken because those are used for school IDs and for Skyward. Order forms are going home this week.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Quad N Productions
No Tech Center classes Monday, September 11. AM Tech students still have 5th-7th hours (starting at 12:16) at HB; PM still have 1st-3rd hours (dismissed at 10:49). Students are encouraged to stay/arrive for HS lunch (10:49-11:24).
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Don't miss the Pirate Spirit Booth at tomorrow's varsity football game vs. Bad Axe! Grab some baked goodies, get your face painted and refresh your spirit gear while supporting elementary PBIS activities. 🧡🖤🏴‍☠️
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
spirit booth flyer
HBCS is seeking input into its search for a new superintendent. Dr. Bishop will be departing for a position with the Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators (MASA). Your input is welcome at or
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Person looking over mountains
Kids' Kloset: Need a sweater? A new coat? Some shirts or pants? There are free clothes for those in need. Contact Bob Wruble (989-553-4670) for information and to set up a time to come in to school.
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Kids' Kloset
Did you know Tuesday, August 29, is the first day of school? Welcome to a new school year filled with opportunities to learn and engage! We are excited to see you and your student back at school. Let’s work together to make the most of the school year by helping students to show up and participate every day possible. #ShowingUpMatters for R.E.A.L. Step 1: It’s important to establish daily attendance routines early on! They can help reduce stress, build self-confidence and lay a foundation for good attendance in later grades!
over 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Welcome Back to School!