Harbor Beach Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 16th at 9:00 a.m. in the K8 Gym. Kids 10 and under can participate. We hope to see all of the kids!
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
HB Easter Egg Hunt Flyer
KofC State Finalists After winning at the Council, District, and Diocesan levels, three Harbor Beach area youngsters have qualified to compete in the KofC State Free Throw Finals. The event will be held at Sacred Heart Parish Gym in Mt. Pleasant on March 17, 2024. At the Diocesan competition held recently at Merrill High School, Gabby Bender, Xander Roggenbuck, and Cameron Finkle bested the shooters in their age brackets to win the competition and qualify. Their winning scores: Gabby 12 of 25 shots, Cameron 17, and Xander 18. OLLH Council 11432 thanks all the local competitors in this year's event and wishes our three finalists the best as they represent our community at states. Photo (L-R): Gabby Bender, Cameron Finkle, and Xander Roggenbuck.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
KofC State Finalists
The Middle School Boys Basketball games scheduled for tonight in Sandusky have been canceled due to the weather.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Kindergarten Round-Up is right around the corner! Please join us on March 19th at 5:30 at Harbor Beach Elementary to learn about our Kindergarten program. Please complete the form below by March 8th to ensure we have the necessary materials for the event. Students that are 5 years old and their parents should attend. A waiver for students who will turn 5 years old by December 1st is available. https://forms.gle/Yy2nA1hkvceLVNVR9
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Kindergarten Round-up Flyer
🏴‍☠️ Ahoy, families of future Little Pirates! 🏴‍☠️ Exciting news from the deck of Harbor Beach Elementary! Our Preschool Applications are NOW OPEN for the upcoming school year. Apply now to secure your child's slot, as slots fill up fast. Ask for Krystal at (989) 479-3261 or kcastro@hbpirates.org Use the link to apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftfgPisnRag9wAHDfPZB_iGMLGVQHBspsal0TAJcvubfbxNw/viewform
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Preschool Flyer
Happy 100th day from Mrs. George's 4 year old preschool class! 💯😄
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
On Sunday, February 4, 2024, the OLLK KofC Council held the District Free Throw Tournament at Harbor Beach High School. Student ages 9-14 and winners of local council competitions were eligible to participate. Twelve student winners made themselves eligible to compete at the Diocesan Level shoot to be held February 11, 2024, at Merrill High School. Winners pictured, front row, L-R: Liam and Xander Roggenbuck, Levi Booms, Brock Mullett, Landon Ramsey, Camron Finkle, Shilo Hessling, Brooklyn Pleiness, Marie Bezemek, Gabby Bender, Rozlyn McComb, and Meredith Birchfield. Back row KofC District Deputy Gary Krause and Grand Knight Gary Polega.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
KofC Free Throw 2024(2)
Calling all HBCS Middle School students!
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
MS Movie night
This Friday, February 9th, the Boys Basketball team has a tripleheader against Cass City. The freshman game starts at 5 PM. We will have parents night between the JV and varsity games on that evening.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Come support the girl's basketball program and eat a delicious meal on February 16th!
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Fish Fry
Harbor Beach FFA is doing a strawberry sale! We will be selling 8 lb and 4 lb boxes of strawberries for $25 and $15. They are direct from Plant City, FL, and will arrive in a refrigerated truck in Harbor Beach within 72 hours of being picked. They will arrive the week of March 11. We are taking orders until February 23. Orders can be placed with an FFA member or online through this link: http://tinyurl.com/mt68wa26
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Strawberry sale
We had a brief soft lockdown this morning to provide privacy during a student medical issue. Everyone is OK.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
🏀Knights of Columbus Free Throw🏀 On Thursday, January 25, 2024, the OLLH KofC Council held its annual free throw tournament at Harbor Beach High School. Students ages 9-14 from OLLH, Zion Lutheran, and Harbor Beach Community Schools were invited to compete. 266 students participated. Twelve students qualified to move on to the District Competition held Sunday, February 4, at Harbor Beach High School. Winners of that tournament will move on to shoot in Merrill, Michigan, on February 11, 2024. The Knights would like to thank all of the students, the staff, and administration of the schools and the community volunteers that helped keep the effort moving and scored the event. Winners pictured, front row, L-R: Liam Roggenbuck, Gabby Bender, Xander Roggenbuck, Levi Booms, and Meredith Birchfield. Back row, L-R: Korbin Leppek, Marie Bezemek, Camron Finkle, Shilo Hessling, Landon Ramsey, Brooklyn Pleiness, and Brock Mullett.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
KofC Free Throw Winners 2024(1)
The Boys JV/Varsity Basketball game scheduled for Harbor Beach tonight has been canceled. Also, the Boys Freshmen Basketball game at Cass City has been canceled.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
FFA Leadership Contests have been rescheduled to Tuesday, January 30.
about 1 year ago, Aaron Bulgrien
Due to icy roads and fog, Harbor Beach Community Schools will be CLOSED today, Wednesday January 24th.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
The Girls JV/Varsity Basketball games scheduled for tonight in Harbor Beach have been canceled. Bowling scheduled in Harbor Beach for tonight has also been canceled.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Due to road and weather conditions, Harbor Beach Community Schools will be closed today, Tuesday January 23rd.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
The Boys JV/Varsity Basketball game scheduled for tonight at 6PM in Marlette has been cancelled due to the weather. Make up date is TBA.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools
Due the ongoing storm and weather conditions, Harbor Beach schools will be CLOSED today, Friday January 19th.
about 1 year ago, Harbor Beach Community Schools