Athletic Director
Physical Education
Email Troy Schelke
989-479-3261 EXT 53562
Harbor Beach Athletics
Welcome to the Pirates' Athletic Homepage!
Athletic Office 7:00AM-3:30PM
Phone 989-479-3261 X3
Athletic Calendar shows the gym use schedule, each sport has their own schedule and calendar.
Michigan Sports Concussion Law
Concussions in Sports Free Course

Troy Schelke

Heather Andrzejewski
Athletic/ Transportation Secretary
Email Heather Andrzejewski
989-479-3261 EXT 53362
Harbor Beach Pirates Fight Song
We’re loyal to you, Harbor Beach
To you we’ll be true, Harbor Beach
We’ll back you to stand against the best in the land
For we know you have sand, Harbor Beach
Rah! Rah!
So step up that ball, Harbor Beach
We’re backing you all, Harbor Beach
Our team is our fame protector
Fight on for honor and a victory for ol’ Harbor Beach